These three types of donations put a big smile on our faces
Let’s not beat around the bush… We’re in need of money, always. Money to buy goods and to help people. We’re always grateful to receive financial donations. You can donate to a specific project or to the Worldhouse in general. With the donations that we receive we’re able to organize activities and projects or buy much-needed goods for our visitors. You can donate here. Please do label the money and put the name ‘Worldhouse’ in the description.
We are often on the lookout for goods, but we are very specific about the things we need. We use our Facebook to communicate what exactly we’re in need of.
Often people offer us clothes, used and worn. We unfortunately only accept clothes that aren’t worn yet, because of hygiene and safety. Worn clothes can be donated to the Salvation Army or put in the bins of Sympany that you find in the streets of Amsterdam.
Knowledge and skills
We love to organise activities for our visitors and we’re always looking for people who want to organise activities with us. Do you want to contribute to the development of undocumented people in Amsterdam? Do you have a skill that you want to teach others? Do you have a plan for a one-on-one trajectory? We’re always open to new ideas! Send us an email so that we can explore possibilities.